Friday, June 8, 2012

The Role of Fracking in the US Economy

I recently picked up a pro and con Congressional report about fracking at the local library. I was actually kind of surprised to find something like that in my little town's library.

As I read through it, one thing really caught my attention, well there were a lot of interesting things, but especially this one.

One of the document's authors wrote that the economy of the United States hinges on the success of the natural gas industry.

Think about that a moment, because it's huge.

One industry, that according to some has the potential to destroy our eco-system, according to what I read in this congressional report (you can get a copy for $19 if your library doesn't have one), carries the burden of repairing the American economy.

So, if that author is correct, our only hope of rebuilding America to the point where the "American Dream" is possible for the average Joe, is to allow the fracking industry to proceed at will.

I'm going to hold my own thoughts about this and ask you, "What do you think?"

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