Monday, August 4, 2014

Spring (and Any Time) Gardening Tips

Nothing to do with fracking - just a friendly article on enjoying gardening (a relaxing environmental escape)

Here are ten spring gardening tips to help make gardening an enjoyable experience and a brief buying guide for garden supplies.

After a long winter it is like a breath of fresh air to start thinking about putting in a garden. Gardening can be hard work as well as great exercise - not to mention the fresh, healthy foods and pretty flowers you get to enjoy.
  1. First, don't expect to do everything in one day. Gardening should be enjoyable so plan to do the work in steps. Try to plan ahead. The whole task will be more fun and relaxing.
  2. Gather the gardening supplies that help with comfort issues. Get a good pair of gloves (available at any hardware store, department store, or garden center - like Wal-mart). Good gloves reduce blisters.
  3. Also, invest in a sturdy knee pad (or a gardening stool). This is vital to personal comfort for a gardener. Knee pads put a cushioned layer between knees and jutting rocks. I also tend to notice less back strain after using a knee pad. Lowe's is one store that carries durable knee pads.
  4. Getting gardening tools together is the next important step. It is best to get the highest quality tools you can afford. I can't tell you how many cheap spades I have had to throw away because they fell apart. The basic tools you will find useful are a spade, shovel, hoe, and a Hound Dog garden cultivator which is available at Home Depot.
  5. Make a plan - how detailed is up to you, but the more specific you are about how big your garden is going to be - the less likely you will be to waste money by buying too many plants or seeds.
  6. Get information about the plants you want to grow. Some plants do not thrive when planted beside other plants (like tomatoes and potatoes). It is best to consider what you want to plant in each area.
  7. Start looking at seed and plant choices. Burpee's seeds can be purchased through and at many stores. Check how tall each plant grows and how far it will spread out. Watermelon plants, for example, spread out and take a lot of space while caged or staked tomatoes grow in a more upright manner. Tomato cages can be purchased at Lowe's, Home Depot and most garden supply centers.
  8. Decide if you want to grow your plants from seed or purchase plants. It is cheaper to grow the plants from seed but it can be difficult for new gardeners to get seedlings to grow and naturalize properly.
  9. If you decide to start your garden from seed you can get an early start on your garden. Starting the seeds inside a few weeks before planting time (directions will be on the seed packets) helps you get more produce from your plants by extending the growing season a bit. Peat pellets that expand when watered are nice. You just set the seed on top and the pellet expends around it when watered. I have found them at Menard's and also
  10. Cultivate the ground well before setting your plants or seeds. Aerated ground is more receptive to tender plant roots and also offers better drainage. Then start planting and maintaining for your garden.
Gardening can be a fun and rewarding experience. It is also a lot of work. With a the right supplies and a little planning it is well worth the effort.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Have You Ever Wondered What a MSDS Is?

Basic information about material safety data sheets, or MSDS for short.

How Material Safety Data Sheets Are Used

The acronym MSDS stands for Material Safety Data Sheet. OSHA, the Environmental Protection Agency, as well as state and local agencies govern the administration of material safety data sheets. MSDS sheets provide information about chemical hazards encountered in the workplace.

What are MSDS business management purposes? The information included in a Material Safety Data Sheet helps an organization's management team provide proper safety equipment for workers. Businesses are required to provide workers with access to MSDS when asked by workers.

What exactly are MSDS worker uses? Workers can read a MSDS to find out what dangers they face when handling hazardous materials. Knowing the dangers tells workers what personal protective equipment is needed to perform jobs safely. Reading a material safety data sheet also gives workers the opportunity to respond effectively in the event of a chemical spill of fire.

What are the transportation uses of a MSDS? A carrier has the responsibility to safely deliver materials to their destinations. Material Safety Data Sheets provide information for the carrier about safe handling of hazardous materials.

How do safety forces use a MSDS? In the event of a serious injury or chemical spill, safety workers are able to learn about any special treatments needed by victims exposed to the material. Information about the flash point of the chemicals involved also lets them know what they are dealing with in regards to potential explosions or inhalant dangers.

What are the government purposes of a MSDS? Government offices - the EPA for example - refer to the MSDS to get information about the proper way to clean up chemical spills and potential environmental damage. OSHA inspectors would also need to confirm that workers exposed to hazardous materials are wearing personal protective equipment based on a MSDS.

What manufacturer contact information is included on a MSDS? If the manufacturer has an emergency hot-line it will be listed on the MSDS along with their general contact information. This allows them to offer immediate response to a problem a worker experiences with their product.

MSDS References:
Hazard Communication: Foundation of Workplace Safety Programs
MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheets
MSDS FAQ - Regulations

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

June 2014

I have been SO lazy about updating this site...

Sorry, dear readers, for the lack of activity here. If you follow the Frack Facts facebook page, you'll see there was a bit of activity there recently, mainly from folk in other countries as they become aware of the fracking debate and its spread across their lands.

Check back for updates, as there are a few links and data I plan to share here.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Supreme Court Support of Municipalities' Rights in Fracking Bans

Last month, a Pennsylvania real-life legal drama about the rights of municipalities to keep fracking out of their communities ended with a  supreme court ruling in favor of... the municipalities.

This was obviously a source of relief for fractivists and not such a good thing for hydraulic fracturing drilling (gas and oil) companies.

The debate - and the fighting - about these fracking bans is sure to go on, with business advocates asking for more leeway and environmentalists asking for more protection.

You can read more about the debate in the following Mansfield News Journal article about the supreme court decision and its possible effect on Ohio fracking, but note that the newspaper only allows a limited number of views per reader without a paid subscription.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Rocking in Ohio: What Does Disney Mean to You?

For those, of us who grew up watching Mickey Mouse's antics, and sleeping beauty fall in love with Prince Charming, the name Disney means wholesome entertainment.

So, when many parent's hear radio Disney is presenting a shoe called Rocking in Ohio - the connection to the name Disney means no alarm bells go off in our heads.

After failing to quell the curiosity and satisfactorily answer the questions presented by fractivists about the safety of fracking, the gas and oil industry has moved on to attempt to influence the view on fracking in the next generation of citizens, the children - via a partnership with radio Disney called Rocking in Ohio.

Rocking in Ohio is a traveling musical show - presented game show style - to encourage active participation in youth and families - funded completely by the Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education Program (OOGEEP).

This alliance of entertainment and a hot button political and environmental issue raises questions in my mind.
  • If fracking is as harmless as claimed, why can't the gas and oil companies prove it? Fractivists find lots and lots of examples of times it is unsafe.
  • Why do the gas and oil companies have to throw big money into influencing children with fun music and gifts?
  • Do gas and oil companies really think fractivists don't teach their children to think for themselves?
  • What does Disney really stand for now? It used to be wholesome entertainment, but what is it now? Making money from any industry willing to shell out big bucks - no matter how beleaguered the industry is with questions about its lack of safety?
So, tell me, if you want, what does Disney mean to you and what do you think of the an industry that tries to use children as pawns in the fracking debate?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ohio Frac Map

This short post is just to provide a link to the most recently published (September 2013) Ohio fracking map.

The dots on the map represent wells and sites where well permits have been granted.

You can put your cursor over the color-coded well dots to get more information about each well.

The name of the site hosting this information map is Innovation Ohio, and you can view the map by simply clicking the link if interested in learning more about frac wells in your community or that have been approved to come into your community.