Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fracking Jobs in North Dakota

Another not-Ohio-centric post, but interesting.

According to one recent report, a small town in North Dakota has more jobs than it can be filled thanks to a frac-drilling boom. The report says for every job filled, another 1.5 jobs open up. The town's unemployment rate is less than 1% compared to over 9% for the rest of the US. The comments at the end of the article are almost more interesting than the article.

I can't and wouldn't argue the benefit of bringing jobs to any community, as mentioned before, my concerns are related to the environmental impact.

I still believe it is unethical to take fracking to the large scale it is rapidly reaching when it is so fraught with risk - but that is just my personal view and obviously a different view than the one held by big oil and the government, and apparently, the majority of those reading the linked report.

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