Monday, July 25, 2011

Questionable Pro-Fracking Post

I just came across this site that says there are 80,000 fracked wells in Ohio with zero groundwater contamination.

Okay, I actually know about the number of fracked wells in Ohio because I came across numbers in the course of my research. I do not question the amount. It has been common practice to frack OIL wells in Ohio for, well, a few decades, now.

The part this other site's glowing report about the awesomeness and safety of fracking does not explain to the reader is, while some of the same hazardous chemicals are used in both oil well and gas well fracking, (by the way, they have been dumping this toxic stuff on roadways since the early 1980's to keep down dust in summer and in winter to thaw ice - want to take an educated guess at why cancer, autism, and asthma are on the rise since around that time?) some of the more explosive ones, known for causing ground to fracture are used only in natural gas drilling.

Also, saying there has been zero groundwater contamination is not completely true. Problems have just been poorly documented. Many of these wells broke through the water table when drilled, causing drinking water to become undrinkable.

So, in addition to potential problems in Ohio when natural gas drilling proceeds, the dumping of fracking brine into uncontained abandoned oil wells poses the threat of further contamination of drinking water from NG brine chemicals.

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