Here are ten spring gardening tips to help make gardening an enjoyable experience and a brief buying guide for garden supplies.
After a long winter it is like a breath of fresh air to start thinking about putting in a garden. Gardening can be hard work as well as great exercise - not to mention the fresh, healthy foods and pretty flowers you get to enjoy.
- First, don't expect to do everything in one day. Gardening should be enjoyable so plan to do the work in steps. Try to plan ahead. The whole task will be more fun and relaxing.
- Gather the gardening supplies that help with comfort issues. Get a good pair of gloves (available at any hardware store, department store, or garden center - like Wal-mart). Good gloves reduce blisters.
- Also, invest in a sturdy knee pad (or a gardening stool). This is vital to personal comfort for a gardener. Knee pads put a cushioned layer between knees and jutting rocks. I also tend to notice less back strain after using a knee pad. Lowe's is one store that carries durable knee pads.
- Getting gardening tools together is the next important step. It is best to get the highest quality tools you can afford. I can't tell you how many cheap spades I have had to throw away because they fell apart. The basic tools you will find useful are a spade, shovel, hoe, and a Hound Dog garden cultivator which is available at Home Depot.
- Make a plan - how detailed is up to you, but the more specific you are about how big your garden is going to be - the less likely you will be to waste money by buying too many plants or seeds.
- Get information about the plants you want to grow. Some plants do not thrive when planted beside other plants (like tomatoes and potatoes). It is best to consider what you want to plant in each area.
- Start looking at seed and plant choices. Burpee's seeds can be purchased through and at many stores. Check how tall each plant grows and how far it will spread out. Watermelon plants, for example, spread out and take a lot of space while caged or staked tomatoes grow in a more upright manner. Tomato cages can be purchased at Lowe's, Home Depot and most garden supply centers.
- Decide if you want to grow your plants from seed or purchase plants. It is cheaper to grow the plants from seed but it can be difficult for new gardeners to get seedlings to grow and naturalize properly.
- If you decide to start your garden from seed you can get an early start on your garden. Starting the seeds inside a few weeks before planting time (directions will be on the seed packets) helps you get more produce from your plants by extending the growing season a bit. Peat pellets that expand when watered are nice. You just set the seed on top and the pellet expends around it when watered. I have found them at Menard's and also
- Cultivate the ground well before setting your plants or seeds. Aerated ground is more receptive to tender plant roots and also offers better drainage. Then start planting and maintaining for your garden.
Gardening can be a fun and rewarding experience. It is also a lot of work. With a the right supplies and a little planning it is well worth the effort.
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