Monday, December 30, 2013

Happy New Year From Ohio, Frac, and the Environment!

Well, if you're reading this, you made it through 2013 with us.

Ohio, Frac, and the Environment would like to wish you a healthy and prosperous 2014!

May the coming year be filled with blessings, peace, and joy for you and yours!

Check back often, sign up for email updates, or follow our RSS feed for updates as we have a lot of great information and changes coming for 2014.

and... once again... Happy New Year!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Fracking Boom Jobs Did Not Materialize and Underperformance Likely to Continue

(Sarcasm Alert!)

So, here's a big shock... They did a fracking boom study, including "state employment data, academic research and a week-long tour of half a dozen factories in Ohio" and guess what... the job results were lower than expected - as in - the explosion of jobs they told us would happen if Ohio allowed fracking - never happened and is not likely to. 

Feel free to check out the source article by clicking the link above if you would like more details, or share your thoughts in the comments section below or in our bulletin board forums.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Potential Ban on Fracking Brine Waste Injection Wells in Ohio

Very pleased to see this effort as this aspect of the fracking brine issue is exactly what drew

me into this topic and inspired this blog.

Press Release from the Ohio Statehouse

Representatives Bob Hagan, Denise Driehaus Senator Michael Skindell, along with Alison

Auciello of Food and Water Watch Ohio, Brian Kunkemoeller and Doanna Carver of Morrow

County P.O.W.E.R, introduced legislation to ban toxic fracking waste injection wells in Ohio.

5/1/13 - Ohio State House

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Earth Day Fracking Thoughts

With Earth Day coming up, April 22, it seems like the perfect time to think about the impact of fracking and fracking brine disposal.

Instead of sharing my thoughts on this, this time, I would like to hear what you, my readers, think.

Tell us: Based on all the information you have read and studied, do you think fracking is a dangerous path, or do you think it's safe?